Regenerative Grazing Australia (RGA)
How is Regenerative Grazing different?
Following is a quote from John Ikerd.
(world renowned author, speaker & leader in sustainability)
Agriculture sustainability is a goal rather than a specific set of farming practises or methods.
Sustainability, as a goal, implies some basic principle and characteristics of sustainable systems.
A sustainable agriculture must be
ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible -
-all are necessary and none sufficient.
Short run profitability is necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure long run sustainability.
In the sustainable paradigm, the environment and society are not seen as "constraints" to profitability, but are seen as essential prerequisites to long run economic viability.
The sustainable paradigm balances economic, environmental, and social concerns in moving toward systems which can sustain a desirable quality of human life on Earth indefinitely. John Ikerd.